About Us
Our story together began in 2003. We met in Jackson, Mississippi where we completed a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Reformed Theological Seminary. After working as counselors individually for a season, we developed a desire to work collaboratively as a team. Although our work backgrounds, personalities, and approaches are different, our values and worldviews are the same. We hoped that the blending of our strengths and the sharpening edges of our differences could be a tool to make a real difference in the counseling room. We set out to gather the training and tools that we needed to be effective in our dream of helping people. So here we are. Ben is a visionary who is to-the-point and structured in his pursuit of his client’s success. I am an intuitively relational person who can communicate, challenge, and encourage effectively. Although our gifting and counseling styles differ, we share the same mission of helping our clients cope with life challenges or personal struggles more effectively. We love our jobs and are passionate about providing quality care.

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God.”
– Tim Keller
Compassionate. Effective. Redemptive.

“I wholeheartedly recommend Ben and Jenny Register to you as competent and well-trained therapists. I had the privilege of providing clinical supervision to them as students and then following their professional work for years.”
— Dr. David L Foster | rts.edu